Finding Paradise
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Finding Paradise (NSP, XCI) ROM

Finding Paradise SWITCH ROM - Follow the journey of two doctors as they embark on a story-driven adventure that spans a lifetime. To fulfill a dying man’s final wish, Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts delve into his memories to relive his past experiences.

App Name Finding Paradise
Genres Adventure, Indie, Puzzle, Role-Playing
Realese Year 2022
Image Format NSP
Region USA
Latest Version 1.0.0
Language Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Required Firmware 14.1.1
File Size 1GB

Finding Paradise Follow the journey of two doctors as they embark on a story-driven adventure that spans a lifetime. To fulfill a dying man’s final wish, Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts delve into his memories to relive his past experiences.

This is an adventure game developed and published by Freebird Games. Serving as a sequel to To the Moon and A Bird Story, the story continues with doctors Eva Rosalene and Neil Watts as they help to fulfill a wish for Colin Reeds, who is now a bedridden old man.

Finding Paradise

As with To the Moon, it features relatively few gameplay mechanics that center around puzzles, with the player controlling both doctors as they solve them to reconstruct the dying man’s memories to fulfill his dying wish. The game was fully designed, written, and composed for by Canadian independent game designer Kan Gao using the RPG Maker XP game engine.

Development of the game began in 2015, and it was released for Linux, macOS, and Windows on December 14, 2017. It was released for Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch on November 18, 2022. A sequel to the series, Impostor Factory, was released in 2021.

Finding Paradise


The gameplay of Finding Paradise is similar to that of the first game in the series, To the Moon, which was also built on the RPG Maker XP engine. Like the previous game, it functions like a typical RPG, but without an inventory system, party system, or battle system. As the game is mostly story-driven, most gameplay revolves around puzzle-solving for Colin’s memories. This is done by interpreting information and experiencing his emotions and feelings, as well as finding ways to get deeper into his memories to discover the truth of his wish.

As with To the Moon, the game centers around exploring Colin’s memories to find significant objects and collect energy from them to strengthen the memory and connect to a more distant one, from his childhood to the modern day. Occasionally, players take a break from the machine and explore his house and the surrounding area for certain clues.

Finding Paradise


Sigmund Corp. uses a technology that can create artificial memories. Since these artificial memories conflict with the patient’s real memories, the procedure is only legal to do on comatose patients without much time left to live. Thus, they offer this as a “wish fulfillment” service to people on their deathbeds. Sigmund Corp. employees Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts are contracted with fulfilling the paradoxical dying wish of Colin Reeds: to change something, yet change nothing at all.

The doctors insert themselves into an interactive compilation of his memories and traverse backward through his life via ‘mementos’, items of great personal significance to Colin that act as a link between his various memories. For reasons not stated, in this case, Watts decides to use a memory machine that he has personally modified instead of one sanctioned by Sigmund. The machine makes errors in transcribing Colin’s memories, resulting in various anomalies like lengthened hallways and trees that have been placed indoors.

Finding Paradise

While getting ready to traverse Colin’s memories, the doctors realize that Watts had forgotten their paperwork at Sigmund HQ and request a colleague, Dr. Roxanne Winters, to scan the documents over. Winters searches Watt’s office for the paperwork and notices Watt’s sanctioned memory machine hidden behind a bookshelf. Suspicious, Winters decides to personally visit them to confront Watts under the guise of sending them the paperwork in person. The doctors proceed with exploring Colin’s memories while waiting for the paperwork to arrive.

In Colin’s senior years, the doctors learn of Colin’s relatively happy life with his wife Sofia and son Asher, peppered only with minor regrets, such as his marriage proposal having an embarrassing typo. Colin had fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming an airline pilot, learned to appreciate the cello, and even went on his dream vacation to Bora Bora with Sofia. Despite this, Colin feels he has not lived a fulfilling life and is unhappy enough to go to Sigmund Corp. to get a second chance.

Finding Paradise

This causes friction with his family, as Asher and especially Sofia feel offended that Colin would want to overwrite his memories with them. However, Colin had asked for Sigmund Corp. to change as little as possible regarding his family, thus making his wish difficult to carry out. Strangely, the doctors also repeatedly encounter a shadowy figure in many of his older memories that appears to be watching them. Furthermore, the doctors find themselves traveling through Colin’s memories in a decaying orbit, bouncing between his youth and senior years until they’re projected to end somewhere in Colin’s adulthood, instead of the typical linear reverse-chronological order.

While observing Colin’s childhood memories, the doctors learn that he frequently communicates with Faye, a girl living across the balcony. As an only child whose parents were rarely home due to working long hours, Colin was very lonely and had no luck making friends in school. Quiet but imaginative, Colin seldom talked to anybody other than Faye, whose personality was the polar opposite of his. Faye would be at Colin’s side for nearly all of Colin’s youth but is strangely absent in all of his adult memories. Faye originally inspired Colin to become a pilot.

Finding Paradise

In his early adulthood, as Colin became acquainted with Sofia through their community orchestra, he and Faye began to drift apart. When the doctors witness this memory, they become convinced that Colin secretly regrets choosing Sofia over Faye, but his loyalty to his family prevents him from expressing his wish. While evaluating how to deal with the situation, Watts suggests that the only way to respect Colin’s condition is to erase Faye from his memories. As the doctors debate their solutions, Winters announces that she has arrived with the paperwork and her colleague, Dr. Robert Lin.

Watts hastily exits Colin’s memories to complete the paperwork. As he deals with the paperwork, Winters confronts Watts over his use of a personally modified machine. Watts is reluctant to elaborate but Winters can coerce him into explaining the situation to her at a later date. Winters also warns Watts that his modifications could potentially be dangerous to all parties using the machine. However, before Watts can return to Colin’s memories, he experiences a wave of pain and briefly leaves Colin’s home to retrieve his painkillers.

Finding Paradise (NSP, XCI) ROM Download


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